Command an army of snowball wielding children in a battle of epic proportions.
Command an army of snowball wielding children in a battle of epic proportions to take over your neighborhood.
Build and upgrade snow forts and snowmen to recruit more kids to your cause. Use your soldiers to defend your forts and to attack and take over the enemy bases. Capture all the forts and win the battle.
Use the power of snow science to give your side the edge. Flash Freeze an enemy in place, call in a Saint Bernard to heal and thaw your soldiers with hot chocolate. Or call in a snow propelled sled to get your soldiers to the front lines. Science!
Equip epic items found in the single player campaign to give your army access to special abilities and buffs.
Level up and promote your soldiers giving them special attributes and abilities. Nearly a 100 combinations!
Single Player challenge modes and open levels to hone your strategy.
Take the fight online in 2 player multiplayer battle.
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